The Enneagram: A Powerful Tool for Transformation
The Enneagram has gained increasing popularity in recent years, with polarizing views about its credibility, but in my experience and ongoing studies, it's the most profound system for transformation and personal growth that I've come across. Since discovering the tool a few years ago, I've invested a significant amount of time and resources into studying this personality system, and a tool I had once discarded as another one of those personality assessments, has now become an integral tool in my arsenal. My fascination and obsession with the Enneagram is grounded in good reason. It has changed my life and transformed the relationship I have with myself and those around me, and I have witnessed profound shifts for my clients.
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a powerful and dynamic personality system that has ancient roots and identifies nine distinct personality types. Each type comes with its own worldview, core motivations, strengths, challenges, and patterns of behavior. While we all have all nine types within us and to varying degrees, there's one dominant type that shapes and influences the way we think, feel, and act. Our predominant type, instinctual drive and level of development tend to determine where we focus our energy and attention, and in ways that both help us and hinder us.
The Enneagram as a Tool for Self-Awareness
When used in the right way, the Enneagram can free us from our limiting constructs and defenses and lead us towards positive change. By gaining self-awareness, we can become more attuned to our habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting, enabling us to recognize when we're operating in unconscious, and self-limiting ways. By standing back and observing when and how our personality is driving the show, we can objectively consider how our ego constructs a false or defended narrative keeping us stuck. It is this awareness that can help us explore new habits that can better support our personal growth and strengthen our relationships.
It's difficult to change our behavior without first understanding ourselves and this is where the Enneagram can be a powerful tool for transformation.
The Enneagram as a Tool for Empathy
The Enneagram promotes greater understanding and empathy for others. By learning about each of the nine personality types, we can gain a deeper understanding of how others think, feel, and behave, which can be a game-changer for fostering better communication and strengthening relationships.
As part of a year-long certification program in Conscious Living with Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb, I embarked on a capstone project exploring how I could use the Enneagram as a tool to become a better parent. I knew my Enneagram type differed from my teenage son’s, and I wanted to explore how I could tailor my parenting approach to better connect with him and support his growth. Through this research, I gained valuable insights into our distinct personality dynamics, enabling me to parent him in a different way that has strengthened our relationship.
The Enneagram has also strengthened my relationship with my partner. Our understanding of each other's Enneagram types has allowed us to communicate more openly and effectively, and we can appreciate each other's strengths and challenges. When I feel insecure in our relationship, I am better able to take a step back and objectively see how my ego is creating unnecessary or unfounded anxiety. It doesn’t necessarily take away the trigger or emotion, but it does allow me to pause, assess and validate the narrative that my ego may have constructed.
In the workplace, having an understanding of personality dynamics improves communication, collaboration and productivity.
The Enneagram as a Tool for Action
One of the biggest gifts of the Enneagram is perhaps having access to a map of awareness that enables us to engage in personal inquiry. When we encounter a triggering event or individual, we can pause and approach the situation with curiosity. We can ask ourselves why we feel the way we do and how our thoughts, emotions, and actions may be helping or hindering us. Through deep work and gaining greater understanding, we can make different choices and take different actions that can help us break free from limiting constructs that keep us playing small.
For me, the Enneagram has been instrumental in my own journey of self-discovery and growth, allowing me to see the world from a new perspective. I’ll be forever grateful for its profound impact on my life.
The Enneagram and the Nine Types
The nine personality types are:
The Perfectionist/Reformer
The Helper
The Achiever
The Individualist
The Investigator
The Loyalist
The Enthusiast
The Challenger
The Peacemaker
You can find type descriptions here, here and here. If you're interested in discovering your Enneagram type, I suggest working with a trained and accredited Enneagram professional who can guide you in finding your type accurately. While there are several online tests available, it is important to be cautious about their accuracy and reliability. I’ve completed several tests and they have my personality down, but I do know of several people who have taken tests and the results don't necessarily resonate with them. Two sources I recommend include Integrative 9 and CP Enneagram Academy. It's important to remember that our personality has been constructed over several years and is influenced by various factors and therefore, identifying our type should be viewed as a starting point for ongoing inquiry and self-discovery.
Recommended Reading
If you are new to the Enneagram and curious to learn more, I’d recommend “The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up” by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes.
For Leaders I recommend The 9 Types of Leadership by Beatrice Chestnut.